20 interesting sex facts we should know

1. Vibrators were invented for something else The vibrator was originally invented in the 19th century as a way to reduce HYSTERIA, that seems a little extreme. 2. The sperm ratio Your average healthy man produces approximately 300 million sperm in just a teaspoon of his semen. However, it only takes one little swimmer to fertilize a woman�s egg and it can live for up to a week inside your body. 3. The first thing people do after sex is... Forget post-coital cuddling! 4. Which sex actually gets busy more often Think men get laid more than women? Wrong! According to Men�s Fitness, women have sex 17 percent more often than the average guy. Go girls 5. The longest orgasm Even though the male O seems to get all the attention, it turns out the women get the last laugh when it comes to climaxing. The average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds � 14 seconds longer than the male's six-second O. 6. Orgasms are good for you They can lower a woman's risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and even depression. So have sex and get happy! 7. Sexercise is not a myth Sex counts as a workout! During 30 minutes of active sex, you burn about 200 calories. 8. Women are friskier than we admit Even though straight women reported only being aroused by men, researchers at the Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, found that most women in a study became aroused by every sexual stimulus they saw � including nude male and female bodies, heterosexual and homosexual sex and even animal sex. 9. Sex makes you dirty, in a good way When aroused, people are not as likely to think things are disgusting 10. How your brain responds to sex Researchers at Rutgers University, who used fMRI scanners to find out exactly what happens in your brain when you're aroused, found that different regions of the brain became activated in response to stimulation of the vagina, cervix, clitoris and nipples. 11. Sex releases hormones that prevent you from peeing Ever notice that it's kind of tough to go pee right after sex? Your body releases an antidiuretic hormone when you orgasm, which prohibits you from going potty as easily as usual. Just don't hold it for too long, or you could risk infection. 12. Why it can be hard to conceive Most of the time, a woman only releases one egg per month. 13. How young teens start having sex According to Live Science, by the age of 19, a whopping 71 percent of teenagers have already had sex 14. Answering your phone during sex Mom can multitask! According to survey at least 12 percent of moms admitted to using their cell phones during sex 15. When kids lose their virginity The Kinsey Institute estimates that, on average, boys lose their virginity at age 16.9. For girls, the age jumps to 17.4. 16. Physically talking about sex makes sex better People who are more open to talking about sex are actually happier with their sex lives. 17. You're not the only one aroused by food Think food is sexy? Some people admit to feeling a similar sense of arousal when thinking about food as they do when thinking about sex. 18. Your body image plays a huge role in sex a small study of obese women found that those who accepted their bodies reported better sex. So appreciate your body, or your sex life could suffer! 19. Sex increases your pain threshold a person's pain threshold significantly increases during arousal. 20.You brain turns off (sort of) during sex the amygdala � the part of the brain involved in fear and anxiety � shuts down during a female orgasm. So that brain mush you experience during sex is legit!